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The incidence of dementia in the USA in those over 65 has reached 11%. The worldwide cost of dementia in 2018 was estimated at $1 trillion. In Australia Dementia is the second leading cause of death. As such it is critical that a thorough understanding of the causes of dementia be known so that attempts can be made to reduce both the prevalence and costs of dementia. To this end we have designed this web-site in an attempt to explain the biochemistry that is "behind" the development of dementia and AD, with the purpose of suggesting methods to avoid the condition and to present the possibility that it may be possible to prevent, halt or reverse the condition.

The site has been assembled following examination of a wide variety of scientific literature describing altered biochemical markers known to be present in dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, and examines the possible nutritional deficiencies that are involved, with the purpose of identifying methods to detect, prevent and hopefully reverse the disease. Ultimately it is hoped to Wipeout Dementia. Where possible references have been included.

 The Power of the Mind

The brain/mind is a wonderful organ which performs trillions of chemical reactions that enable it to repeatedly monitor and react to the various stimuli that the body encounters, some of which may be several nanometers away and some of which may be at the periphery of the body, several meters away.

An integral part of the brain's ability to function is the preservation and maintenance of the "wiring" system (nerves), each of which is wrapped in a sheath of insulation known as the myelin sheath, and in the continued signaling or endless "neuronal firing" that allows communication between the nerves, muscles and various receptors throughout the body. In order to perform this function, the brain must be continuously supplied with energy (preferably glucose, but also ketones), vitamins and minerals, and with the essential structural building blocks (amino acids, sugars and fats).

Ageing of the brain appears to result from an interruption in supply of these nutrients either through reduced blood circulation, or due to reduced nutritional uptake into the body. In extended ageing or nutrient restriction, conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease slowly develop. Accompanying this progression there is evidence of brain shrinkage. It is the purpose of this site to try to elucidate these deficiencies, to define how the supply is restricted and to propose intervention mechanisms to halt or indeed reverse this age-related decay. The views expressed are derived from an analysis of the scientific literature, they may though be slightly controversial, however for this we make no apology.


Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia


Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia and poses itself as a significant worldwide health problem, with approximately 44 million people living with the condition. The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is life-changing not only for the person diagnosed with the condition but also for their family and friends. Currently the disease is regarded as an inevitably progressing condition in which the person with AD gradually loses activity of not only their mental, but also physical functions. Often the condition is "missed" and passed off as simply old age, as symptoms, such as memory loss, slowed thinking and moderate behavioral changes, are also generally associated with the ageing process. Once the diagnosis of the condition has been made the disease slowly progresses and variable rates of functional loss occur, which lead inevitably to death. In this regard, changes in the brain that ultimately lead to dementia can start 15 to 20 years before clinical symptoms appear.

Dementia normally is considered as a mental disease, however, during progression to diagnosis and following diagnosis there are many potentially recognizable physical and biochemical markers which one can associate with the mental deterioration. Mental deterioration can be regarded as a loss in mental abilities that is sufficiently severe as to interfere with normal life. The reduced mental abilities are not present from birth, do not result in alteration in consciousness, are generally progressive and last more that 6 months (generally progressing until death).

Currently there are no treatments to stop the disease from progressing, however many palliative medications are often prescribed, but they do not affect the inevitable outcome of the condition.

Dementia is now the leading cause of death in many countries and the current economic cost of dementia internationally is around $818 billion. Estimated suggest that this figure will double by 2056. Whist this may sound alarming, one must realize that this doubling would actually represent an annual increase that is less than the rate due to inflation, and as such is likely to be a highly conservative figure. Millions of dollars are donated annually to find a cure for dementia, some of which "borne fruit" in various publications, many of which have been summarized in the pages that follow.

Persons wishing further information on dealing with dementia of themselves, or loved ones should consult the many regional dementia/Alzheimer's Disease institutions.


Alzheimer's Disease Risk Factors


There are at least seven modifiable factors that increase the risk of dementia

Each of the five factors potentially can affect or be a result of, nutritional status in the person with AD.


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